Welcome to our Kraken Kratom review. Our goal is to show you the pros and cons of buying from this kratom supplier so you can make an informed choice.
Note that Kraken Kratom is a rather popular brand and they have a lot of customers. Apart from that, they also offer a lot of kratom-based products.
We try to be as objective as possible in this Kraken Kratom review.
Company Information
The company Kraken Kratom was established in August 14, 2012 and was first reviewed in the BBB (Better Business Bureau) in 2015. It has been serving its clientele for a total of 8 years to date.
Note that it is a registered LLC (Limited Liability Company). This status gives it a few advantages since it limits the liability for the management and owners in certain states.
It appears that this company is managed and owned by a single individual since the listed principal manager and the public relations manager is one and the same—a Mr. Brady Kraken.
Knowing this name clears a few speculations. First off, we now know that this is a family owned business that sells herbal health products and that it is based in Portland, Oregon.
Yes, it makes use of the name “kraken” which is a mythical creature according to Scandinavian folklore. The namesake of course represents the family name and is also some sort of word play on their part—they used a picture of kraken as part their company logo.
Better Business Bureau Rating
It is an A-rated company in the BBB, which is pretty good. Note that the rating and accreditation from the BBB doesn’t include any reviews and ratings provided by customers on their website or any other site for that matter.
It’s an independent review based on the number of complaints received by the BBB in relation to this business and how fast these issues have been resolved.
More than 700 customer files have been filed in the BBB which will reflect on the Kraken Kratom review and performance. All in all, the average customer reviews on the BBB website for this company is an impressive 4.94 out of 5 stars.
There were around 7 complaints in the past few years related to Kraken Kratom however they were promptly addressed. That means the company is highly responsive to the complaints of its clientele.
Company Pros and Cons
Even though the reviews on the official BBB website are generally positive, please take note that there are still pros and cons when you transact with this kratom supplier.
Let’s start with the pros:
Here are the cons:
Kratom Products
In the next part of this Kraken Kratom review, we will go over the products offered by the company. Note that you need to check out their official website to see the actual currently listed products.
The product list we have below is not the official list, which means they may have added or removed certain products at the time of this writing.
Here are the products:
As you can see from the list above, they have pretty much everything from tea leaves to powders. They also have a wide variety of strains available, which is what you want to have if you’re a customer.
Now, sure, offering a lot of kraken products and a variety of strains give your customers more and even better options. However, it does have an inherent downside.
If you’re just using kratom for the first time, you may not have a clue about which strain is best suited for your needs. You might end up getting frustrated and unsatisfied due to the quality of the product that you purchased.
Unfortunately the Kraken Kratom website doesn’t give you much help with regard to the proper strain or suitable product that customers should buy. You will have to call customer service to clarify things and understand your options.
Wholesale and Bulk Orders
Now, if you know exactly the type of strain that you need, it would help you save a good amount of money by ordering your kratom supply in bulk.
Note that Kraken Kratom offers all of their products for wholesale orders. You need to be a verified buyer first and then you can get access to their wholesale products catalog.
Product Price
The product prices vary depending on the brand. Remember that they also sell third-party products. We can’t give you specific product prices but we can provide an average price range, which is anywhere from $8 to $12 for 28 grams of a supplement product.
This means you don’t have to commit to a huge purchase if you’re a new customer. You can buy a small quantity so you can gauge the company’s service level and product quality for yourself without committing a huge amount of cash.
They have a return policy in place but you need to strictly read the terms and conditions properly so you can qualify for a refund.
To close this Kraken Kratom review, we can say that this company is a fairly good supplier. Just remember that you need to make sure you’re getting the right product and don’t keep your hopes up when it comes to delivery due to the current health crisis.