Kratom is commonly used as a treatment for anxiety and chronic pain. If you’re not careful of your doses, however, you may encounter one of its most unpleasant side effects—the dreaded kratom wobbles.
Fortunately, it’s something that can easily be remedied by adjusting your kratom dosage or avoiding certain types of kratom.
What Do Kratom Wobbles Feel Like?
Kratom wobbles are also referred to as “eye wobbles”. This is because you have a hard time focusing on anything without having a twitch in your eyes.
When you take kratom at high doses, especially if you aren’t used to it, your eye muscles may start twitching involuntarily. This feels like your reference frame is “clicking” every time you look in another direction.
This can often drive you to a kind of dizziness where even simple tasks can be unbearable. Worse, it could even come with motion sickness, feelings of brain fog, and nausea.
Some users suggest taking over-the-counter pain relief meds as soon as you start feeling some eye strain. Eating and drinking lots of water may also help, even if it might be hard to do.
Preventing Kratom Wobbles
Most kratom side effects are often caused by not taking the appropriate kratom dose. Thus, the easiest way to prevent the wobbles is to ensure that you’re not overdosing.
Of course, kratom effects and tolerance will vary from person to person. In general though, a light dosage is five grams or lower.
Note that some kratom strains are more likely to cause eye wobbles than others. Below is a list of strains, ranked according to their likelihood of causing wobbles:
- Bali Kratom – High
- Maeng Da Kratom – Medium
- Indo Kratom – Medium
- Thai Kratom – Low
- Borneo Kratom – Very low
Many enthusiasts attest that drinking kratom tea (with the powder or residue strained off) helps with preventing wobbles.
Immersing the herb in hot liquid and getting rid of the solids reduces the kratom plant’s fat-soluble alkaloids—including those likely responsible for the condition (speciogynine and paynatheine).
Although further research is needed, it might be better for those who are taking Kratom capsules to switch to kratom powder or kratom extract instead. Checking out different kratom products from other kratom vendors might be necessary as well.
Dealing With Kratom Wobbles
Unfortunately, there really isn’t much you can do when you’re already dealing with the wobbles. The only thing you can do is wait it out and let your body get rid of the kratom in your system.
You can, however, expedite it by treating it like how you would treat an alcohol hangover. Drink lots of fluids and consume a heavy, greasy meal to help your body process the Kratom at a faster rate.
Some say that drinking fruit juice eases the effects of kratom. There are also those who take activated charcoal to flush out the alkaloids—though that means they get less of the herb’s benefits.
In any case, kratom wobbles—and most other side effects—aren’t really something you have to suffer from if you just take care of your dosages.